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- Плоские компактные фильтры М5 , F7, F9 для новых установок VTS® Ventus compact18.08.2020
- Представляем партнера - Everspring Filtration Technology Co., Ltd. торговая марка FILMEDIA15.03.2018
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Closed Joint Stock Company "Ventilation" provides end-user filters for air purification, and also provides quality filter materials and component elements of the European quality.
CJSC "Ventilation is a dealer and the exclusive representative in the North - West region of Russia following companies:
OOO "Filter Factory" whole world" Moscow - the production of high quality filter materials, components, elements, filters, coarse and fine purification.
Tianjin TEDA Filters Co., Ltd, the Tyanzhin (China) - production of high quality filter materials.
On request, customers CJSC Ventilation picks up and delivers:
Filter materials for domestic production of coarse and fine purification of air;
Filter materials imported for the production of thin and highly efficient air purification;
Details of filters;
Air filters C types;
Air filters are imported;
Bag filters
CJSC "Ventilation" renders services on the selection and replacement of filters, including the replacement of imported products to domestic counterparts
Contact Us
CJSC "Ventilation is a dealer and the exclusive representative in the North - West region of Russia following companies:
OOO "Filter Factory" whole world" Moscow - the production of high quality filter materials, components, elements, filters, coarse and fine purification.
Tianjin TEDA Filters Co., Ltd, the Tyanzhin (China) - production of high quality filter materials.
On request, customers CJSC Ventilation picks up and delivers:
Filter materials for domestic production of coarse and fine purification of air;
Filter materials imported for the production of thin and highly efficient air purification;
Details of filters;
Air filters C types;
Air filters are imported;
Bag filters
CJSC "Ventilation" renders services on the selection and replacement of filters, including the replacement of imported products to domestic counterparts
Contact Us